Holy Trinity Church is open for public worship times

The main Sunday service at Holy Trinity starts at 9:30am, every week. The general pattern of the service is be as follows:- 1st and 4th Sundays in the month - Holy Communion (Inc. Sunday school during term time) 2nd and 3rd Sundays in the month - All Age Worship/Service of the Word. Any 5th Sunday services will alternate between Holy Trinity Hartshill and St. Peter's Galley Common. Advance notification will be announced in church with details, but the start time will be as per the host church (11:00am start at Galley Common). Refreshments are now available after the service.
Services and Ceromonies


At Holy Trinity Hartshill we are able to perform ceremonies for weddings, baptisms / christenings and funeral services. For more information, you can contact a church warden.


Church Groups

There is a number of groups that meet at the church or the attached Community Hub throughout the week. Take a look and see if there are any groups you would like to participate in.



Safeguarding is important at Holy Trinity, see the links below for details of our policy and what to do if you have safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding Policy
Responding to Safeguarding Concerns
PCR 2 Leaflet for Clergy
Safeguarding Email
Safeguarding Contact Numbers (pdf)
Code of safer working practice (pdf)
Survivor Contacts and Info (pdf)

Next Service:
All Age Worship/Service of the Word

Holy Trinity Church

9th February 2025


History Of Our Church

Work began back in 1842 when it was decided by the Parish of Mancetter Vestry that a Parish Church was deemed necessary within Hartshill which, at that time, had a population of around 1000 villagers.

Quickly, the local community raised £650 to start the build and when Mr. Richard Jee agreed to donate the stone needed, work was soon under way!

Sadly mid way through the build construction halted and part of the base structure had tumbled. With dwindling funds the build was looking dire... Until Rev H.E. Lowe paid a visit to some friends in near by Atherstone and graciously donated enough money to complete the build.

The first Holy Communion Service was held there on Sunday 30th April 1848 by the Vicar of Mancetter, as Hartshill's new Vicar, Rev. W.J. Edge had not yet been appointed. The Consecration Service took place at the end of June. Learn more here

Many thanks to Rose Tyler for letting us use her 2010 article.

Note that, in 2012, Hartshill Community Centre opened on the site of the former Church Hall. The Community Centre is a thriving multi-purpose resource that provides a wide range of services, activities and a meeting place for people of all ages and is available for hire. It is under the management of Hartshill Parish Council, see http://hartshill.parishcouncil.net/

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